Triadic colors are very important because, by internalizing triadic colors, you will develop the ability to focus on melody while, in your mind, have the background feeling of the chord progression that is going on.
This is a really crucial step for improving many aspects of your aural skills.
Just to name a few aspects that will be improved with this approach:
• Your intonation skills, because the sensation of the chords’ movement in the background of your mind will guide your melodic ear on the right pitches, the right chord tones, and the great thing is that by practicing on triadic colors, you’ll train your mind in order for this to happen in a subconscious way. So you won’t have to think about it anymore; you’ll start to feel it, just like you feel what are the right words to say in a certain conversation.
• Your improvisational skills: because by feeling the halo of each chord, we indirectly feel the chord tones contained in it, and what really helps improvisation is that we can memorize a chord progression so we can anticipate, in our mind, the feeling of the chord that is next to come and by doing so our melodic ideas are automatically guided on the right notes.
So your focus will be on the melody lines; you won't need to focus on chords. You will feel them in the back of your mind.
• Your speed in the ability to recall or recognize notes, because this will form memories of multiple groups of notes. By thinking of the halo of a triad, we can quickly recall all the notes contained in it.
• Your feeling of the key, because the color of the chords keeps your mind grounded inside the tonality we are perceiving. So it will become automatic for you to sing/play or think at the note included in the key of the song you’re playing. This happens because by feeling the chords in the back of your mind, every chord assumes its specific color because of its role in the key, so by hearing the color of the fourth-degree chord, for example, you automatically feel what are the other notes of the key in that context.
• The ability to recognize chord progressions.
I’ve just named a few of the aspects that will be improved with this type of training, but there are really endless aspects of your aural skills that will be positively impacted by it.
In a few words, I can say that by working on triadic colors, you’ll develop the habit of thinking in a new "bi-dimensional way”. Melody over chords.
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