How to Improve Intonation?

In this post, I’m going to talk about how you can improve intonation. Either you're a singer or an instrumentalist everything I'm going to...

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How to Improve in Ear Training?

In this post, I'm going to talk about how to improve your ear training skills.

Of course, the answer to this question varies...

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How to Play and Recognize Melodies by Ear

In this post, I explain how you can recognize and play melodies by ear so that as soon as you hear a melody, you can instantly play it on your...

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Why Is Ear Training So Hard?

In this post, you're going to find the exact reasons why you're struggling with ear training so you can understand how to effectively...

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How to Identify Chord Progressions by Ear

A lot of confusion and false myths are growing around how to develop the ability to identify chord progressions by ear. Most of the things that I'm...

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Why are triadic colors so important?

Triadic colors are very important because, by internalizing triadic colors, you will develop the ability to focus on melody while, in your...

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Why is implicit harmony the most important concept to understand in ear training?

As you’ve probably heard from the presentation video (you can see it on the homepage)  “implicit harmony” is one of the...

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Why is the Intervals method so ineffective?

In this article we’ll take a look at the biggest mistakes of the intervals method and why it’s really ineffective.

1) As you might have...

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